Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hello, my name is Magicalwade. Some of my favorite games are on the 'Iphone' are Jetpack joyride,metal storm,mega run and Minecraft pocket edition.My favorite toys are Lego.I like building objects.There was one time I went to a store named Secret Chamber. They sell Lego figurines and sets.I saw some Lego guns and one of the characters called Lara Craft was  holding  two of my favorite guns.I also finish collecting Lego avengers characters.All I am just waiting for is Lego legends of Chima and  Lego Batman the dark knight rises.The colour of the Batman figurine that I want is a dark blue colour.

On Saturday,5 January 2013,I had collected Two Ninjago comics.Today 6 January , I am going to share with you an old book.It is called 'Heroes and Ogres.All the stories in the book are all mythology . I am going to start and from now on I am going to share 1 book report everyday. Today's book report is titled ,'Tristan and Isolde.' Tristan was a knight in the day of King Arthur.The characters in this story is'Tristan,Isolde,The king of Cornwall, King Mark, Morold,The queen of Ireland and the fire dragon.Tristan had killed a Dragon and took it's tongue.He fell in love with a beautiful princess and lost her.The thing that I hate about the story is that at the end,Tristan and Isolde died.What I enjoy the most about this story is that Tristan got stabbed by a poisonous spear and managed to kill Morold. The only person that could cure his wound was the queen of Ireland and Tristan found out that he killed her brother.So what he did was disguised as a resident and lied to the queen and it worked.He said he had been beaten by a poisonous fish.So he was cured.And then he saw Isolde.He then returned to Cornwall.So he wanted to marry her.The king asked Tristan to bring her back.But when he got there ,there was a fire dragon and he managed to kill it.After that is a long and draggy story so I am going to skip some parts .So the queen gave them a magic potion when they were heading for Cornwall. On that night they were thirsty that they drank the potion and that is  how they fell in  love . But the king married Isolde and Tristan had a wife, a jealous wife and in he end Isolde and Tristan died and that is the end of the story.

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